Reflective essay in communication

May 10, 2020
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May 10, 2020

Reflective essay in communication

Reflective essay in communication

2500 words (+/-10%)HARVARD REFERENCING PLS. You should be analysing two separate client/ patient interactions.
You should then be considering four aspects from the communication interactions that you wish to improve. I suggest that you consider two aspects from one interaction

and two from the other (or one from the other) I hope this clarifies the criteria for the communication essay€¦ Below is a bit more thorough description:

(Communication Essay Guidelines

This is a reflective essay (2500 words plus or minus 10%).

This assignment will allow the student to critically reflect on their own professional communication. The students will use the Communication Appraisal Form to help

them to highlight aspects of their communication that they need to improve upon.

The student will firstly identify two separate patient/client student communication interactions and immediately after the 10 to 20 minute patient/client student

interaction the student will use the Communication Appraisal Form to note their initial thoughts about their own communication.

The student will then plan their essay considering three or four aspects of their communication that they would like to improve upon, this will be informed by their

own individual communication appraisal exercises. The essay discussion will draw on the literature to support how they may improve upon future patient/client

communication interactions.