Reflective essay and Revision Academic Essay

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Reflective essay and Revision Academic Essay

I will Upload two file you need to use.

The only source is: “Learning to Be Gendered” by PENELOPE ECKERT AND SALLY McCONNELL-GINET.
This assignment consists of two parts: First you need to revise Pre-Semester Reading Response that I will upload. You need to add an extra page to it and improve it, make the response clear and specific.
After you complete the Post-semester Reading Response you need to write a two page separate Reflective essay about you revision process. Use your explanation of the revision as a starting point for your reflective essay. Your reflection can be similar to a letter to readers introducing them to your work and your progress as a writer. Think of it as an argument on your progress as a writer, using your pre- and post-assessment response.
Your tone in the essay can be both professional and personal. You should write the essay in paragraph form. Your reflection must describe the revisions to your Pre-Semester Reading Response and your reasoning behind those revisions, connecting your choices in revising to the assignment. You might use the revised exercise as an introduction to the issues you will discuss in the reflection, or even as an organizing principle.
In sum, describe yourself as a reader and a writer. Consider some of the following questions as a guide: What differences do you see in your writing from the beginning of the semester until the end of the semester? What is the area you think you have improved the most? How do the papers show your growth as a critical reader and academic researcher?
• How does the post-assessment response show the improvement in your writing over the course of the semester?
• What challenges did you face in your writing this semester? How did you overcome those challenges?
• What elements of your academic writing do you hope to improve in future classes? How will you apply certain skills in future classes? Will you continue to draft and revise if it is not required, for example?

You may address issues not specified by these questions to personalize your reflection. For each claim you make, be sure to reference evidence from your post semester reading response.
Think about you as a writer. That is, address how your writing process has changed or improved in addition to how your writing improved.

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Posted on May 19, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions