Police-Community Relations, Community-Oriented Policing, Police
October 19, 2020
Topics in Cultural Studies
October 19, 2020

Reflection on aging

The reflections on the experience and the learning I got from the learning on the Aging process and the real life example I have known and witnessed through the course of this unit and the assignment, will definitely change my view on aging. My behavior too in approaching the process of aging for me personally will change. As Harman (1981) presupposes, aging should be normal a process as possible, meaning that it should not be a feared period that when it approaches it will be accompanied by diseases. My interview with an active couple, the Webers’, inspired me to relook at my plan for old age, as well as review the activities and the exercise schedule I have at the present because it will affect my future.

The Weber’s, even at an old age, is a very happy couple. I met with them the first time when I traveled with my husband for a bed and breakfast in Arkansas. At the first impression, I thought I will be meeting a very quiet and reserved people. However, this was a misconception, as I came to learn later they were very jovial and even talkative. We didn’t have much time to talk in the night. In the morning we sat on a round table for breakfast. As we conversed, I noted from their verbalizations that they had a very high liking for the work they do. They like very much to recover and rescue animals. Apart from their work of the bed and breakfast, it is very encouraging that they also engage in this noble activity.

I the years before, Jerry was working as a missile-testing engineer for Lockheed. Carol, on the other hand, was a secretary for the chief administrator in the same organization. They bought this land in 1993 and built walking trails and two bed and breakfast homes. Before they came to Arkansas, they were living in California. Here they moved to fulfill their dream of owning a big business. By the look of things, they sure have excelled. In the land, they also have a seven acre lake which has catfish, bass stocked fish, bluegill and crappie.

Jerry explained to us that her hobby is landscaping and hiking. On her part, Carol enjoys cooking. We also had an interest of interviewing tem separately on their greatest achievement in their life. They both responded in the same manner on the bed and breakfast home.

The two have strong support systems though Jerry’s support system seems stronger than Carols. This is because he has family relations that are closer. They left their children to start a new life here in Arkansas and excel in business. The physical fitness for both of them appears right, and they don’t have signs of obesity. Jerry admits that he takes stretching exercises daily but the flaw he identifies with his life is eating the wrong food. On her part, carol admits that she does not eat junk food. The two of them are active on committees and they serve in the board of the bed and breakfast home. In addition, Jerry works as a volunteer fireman with the local chapter of the Mountain View.

My interview with my mother also revealed many things to me. She told narrated to me about their early life, as well as the life of my grandmother and my great grandmother. I was impressed when she narrated the way their mother worked hard to make them live comfortable lives. She would hook their horse up to a sled and go to a local four way stop to buy supplies for their home. They washed clothes in the creek behind the house and hung the clothes out to dry on a line. At age ten, my great-grandmother sent for my mother, her sister, and their mother. During this time my great-grandmother already had adopted two other girls around the same age as my mother and her sister (my aunt). Upon receiving the request to make the move, my mom, her sister, and my grandmother made the move from Mississippi to Galveston, Texas. Since she had a maid, it is at this time that my mother got some time to enjoy some fun activities at school. She even became a cheer leader at one time in school. My mother married my father at the age of sixteen and they together got five children. However, one of the children was killed in a road accident. After raising the children, my mother resorted to the work of helping the elderly. She is an active mum working actively with the elderly and her great grandchildren.

After these reflections and the interviews, I find that I admire the life of being active while enjoying old age. This is the best way to counter this event that must happen in every person’s life. Being a registered nurse at 48, I now purpose to advance more in my career so that I will have time off with my children. To prepare for aging, I am going to review my goal in life in order to include an activity I can do at my old age. I am also planning to institute my exercises schedule so that I can follow it to the letter.


Harman, D. (1981). The aging process. PNAS, 78 (11): 7124-7128