Refer to the case on pages 136 and 137 via the link given

geopolitical changes in Europe
May 18, 2020
The Open Boat
May 19, 2020

Refer to the case on pages 136 and 137 via the link given

Refer to the case on pages 136 and 137 via the link given

Explain what you think

went wrong in the Canwall negotiation. Refer to any intercultural theories with which you are familiar (Barrett Chapter 6/8). Write a brief
report giving your answer in a written form explaining the relevance ofthe case for Emirati business (e.g. real estate). Limit your report
to a maximum of 500 words. What went wrong in the Canwall negotiation? Read the case and brainstorm.

What do you know about intercultural

negotiations? How can you find out about this? Look at the background reading €“ does it help you €“ can you add to it from other

Work with your group members and write down 3 to 5 points to illustrate your answer. Explain what you think went wrong in the
Canwall negotiation. Refer to any intercultural theories with which you are familiar. Prepare a five minute presentation on your answer.
Break this down into different components €“ check you have understood the assignment.

Plan €“ Prepare €“ Present


Structure €“ Hook €“ End

Language = Punctuation, Spelling, Capitals, Grammar etc.

Structure = Hook, Overview, Transitions, Conclusion


Content = Solution to the Case, Theory, Audience Awareness etc.

Presentation = Delivery, Slides, Teamwork etc.



Write a brief report giving your answer. Limit your report to a maximum of 500 words.


Needs and Benefits



Findings ofthe Analysis




Introduction €“ Background & Purpose

Needs and Benefits €“ Value



Method €“ Secondary Sources

Findings ofthe Analysis



Use of Language: Please use your own

words, and check your work carefully before you submit your answers.

StructurelOrganization of your ideas: Think carefully about the

organization of your writing. Make sure that you incorporate structure into the planning of your assignment.

Content: I will be looking for

an understanding ofthe background readings that we discuss in class, together with your ability to re-apply them in a new situation.
Overall: I will consider whether you have understood and answered the assignment.