Reducing crime in Long Beach Unified School District, CA
Paper instructions:
This paper is for a Public administration course. I am acting as a government employee who is trying to reduce the crime rate in The Long Beach Unified School District, CA. The essay is designed to act as a kind of petition for more funds in a sense. I need to follow this model:
1) detailed narrative description of problem(rate of change, people affected, seriousness, cause and effect, etc).
2) objective statement (what’s my goal, why the need to reduce school violence, what’s the time frame and cost projected. Etc)
3)Alternatives considered (strategies to stop school violence; like cameras, security, education, counseling, zero tolerance. 5-8of these).
4) Analysis. ( a semi detailed description of all the ideas that may be used to stop the about cost, man power, student and community reaction, politics, etc).
5) Alternatives selected (pick top 3 or 4 ideas that will be best for the school, students, faculty, community, and funding. A little more detailed about the ideas
6) Planning for the implementation (where do the funds come from like grants, bonds, volunteer, donations etc. who needs to approve it, potential problems, planning committees in charge of making sure the alternatives happen).
-7) monitor and evaluation ( this section is pretty much fictional. Like what idea worked and didn’t work. Why they worked or not. What level was my objective obtained, before and after statistics, if any additional objectives or alternatives need to be considered. It’s looking after the ideas have been in place for a few years.
My teacher is not looking for all facts to be correct. The main thing is to follow the model. So statistics can be embellished to fit, like deaths, shootings , stabbing etc. or even the money used and cost. It can be essay form or have a table of contents and go section by section. Whichever is easier. Thanks!