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October 19, 2020
Systems Theory
October 19, 2020


An abnormal condition is any illness or injury that occurs in the workplace. However, to record a case of an abnormal condition it has to satisfy the regulations provided in Section 1904.4 (a) of OSHA’s regulation. An employer can seek the services of a physician, who determines whether an injury has occurred or not. The physician’s opinion on the state of the worker can help an employer make a decision on whether a case is recordable or not.

Can muscle soreness, resulting from a new activity be an abnormal condition?

Muscle soreness is considered an abnormal activity. However, it is only recorded if it satisfies both the objective and subjective signs.

Physicians play a major role in removing any uncertainty an employer might have on the occurrence of an injury or illness

Letter 2-10/06/2009 Clarification of preexisting injuries/illness and recordkeeping

A worker can be affected by injury or illness outside the workenvironment. If the injury or illness increases in severity when he is in the workplace it,therefore,means that there are events or conditions in the workplace that are aggravating the pre-existing injury. The case should thus be recorded in the OSHA Log.

What are the signs, which showthat an exposure or event in the work environment aggravated a preexisting injury?

According to OSHA’s Section 1904.5 (b) (4) and 1904.5 (b) (4) (IV), a preexisting injury/illness is significantly aggravated if the need for medical treatment arises where there was none or a change in the medical treatment.

For a preexisting injury to be recorded OSHA Recordkeeping Log, the preexisting injury or illness is aggravated by conditions, which exist in the work environment.

Letter 3-03/30/2009 determining work-relatedness for injuries in the home when telecommuting

An employee who is telecommuting from home for their employer breaks their leg when rushing outside to comfort their crying child.

How is a case decided to be a work related injury or illness if the employee is working from home?

Employees who work for their companies while using their home as an office or through telecommuting can suffer injuries. Nonetheless, a fine line exists between injuries that arerecorded in the OSHA Log and those, which should not be recorded. According to Section 1904.5 (b) (7) of OSHA regulations,the injuries recorded occurred in the process when the worker is performing the work appointed to them.

When an employee works at home, the injuries/illness that occur when they are performing their work for compensation or pay are the ones that are recorded in the OSHA Log.


Letter 4-08/08/20quid bandages is considered first aid

A worker who suffers illness orinjury is treated with a liquid bandage such as Band-Aid Brand Liquid Bandage.

When one uses a liquid bandage, is it first aid or medical treatment?

Under the section 1904.7 (b) (5) (ii) (D) of the recordkeeping rule, the use of wound coverings such as bandage, gauze pads and Band-Aids is considered to be first aid. In addition, it further describes the use of wound closures such as staples and sutures to be medical treatment. Therefore, the distinction between medical treatment and first aid is how they treat the wound.

There are two major treatment methods for injury and illness. First aid precedes medical treatment. The difference between this two, is how they treat a wound. For first aid covers it while medical treatment “close” the wound.

Letter 5- 10/29/2009 recording of cases in which a healthcare professional issues a prescription, whether that prescription is filled or not.

The use of medicine determines whether treatment of an injury or illness will be considered to be first aid or medical treatment. The medicine canbe either prescription or non-prescription

Which group of people is qualified to issue a prescription or non-prescription medicine?

Section 1904.7 (b) (5) (ii) (A) of the OSHA Regulations defines first aid as the use of nonprescription medicine at nonprescription strength. They can be administered without the presence of a health professional. Medical treatment is the use of both nonprescription and prescription medicine at prescription strength prescribed by a qualified health care professional.Therefore, only highly trained physicians should prescribe and administer the powerful prescription medications.

A well-trained professional should only administer prescription medicine used in medical treatment. The professional should be knowledgeable and employ their better and professional judgment when they are issuing the prescription medicine.

Letter 6- 11/15/2010 Determining work-relatedness for injury occurring in the company parking lot

An employee who is coming to work from a lunch break with his co-worker broke his ankle when his heel was caught on the running board of his co-worker’s truck.

Does this incident meet the criteria of happening in the workplace, thus being a recordable incident?

OSHA regulation states that any injury or illness that occurs to the employee within their employer’s premises is a recordable event in the OSHA’s Log. The injury does not fulfil the exceptions put under Section (b) (2) (v), which provides the conditions where such an event may not be recorded.

A company premises refer to work-related exposures where employees carry out most of their activities and engage in the job tasks of the company. A licensed health official should determine the severity of the injury prior to making a record in the OSHA Log.


OSHA Recordkeeping Handbook. (2014). Retrieved from https://www.osha.gov/Publications/recordkeeping

Standard interpretations. Retrieved June 21, 2014, from United States Department of Labor  website: https://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/