digital media
May 13, 2020
Political Philosophy
May 13, 2020

real-life? situation,

real-life? situation,


Select a ?real-life? situation, team or individual, interview this person, and create a goal-setting plan for them applying the principles and ideas from this week?s readings and discussion forum. Use the following worksheet and complete a detailed outline of your goal-setting plan. On the bottom of this sheet identify your person or team?s past experience, success/failure, reasons for participation, self confidence, and any other characteristic that is important to your plan. The idea here is to create a ?map to achievement??..
Make sure you document all work using APA format?????
Short-term leading to Long-term
What is the desired result? (who, what, when, why, how)

How can you quantify (numerically or descriptively) completion?
How can you measure progress?

What skills are needed?
What resources are necessary?
Are you prepared to make the commitments necessary in order to achieve

You should shoot for the moon but does the goal violate any physical laws of time or space

Time Certain
What is the date you will achieve?