Reading Response I Academic Essay

streaming solution Academic Essay
August 15, 2020
Describe in detail what you will discuss with the learners related to the following sub-topics
August 16, 2020

Reading Response I Academic Essay

Drawing exclusively on Chapter 5 of the textbook by Kimmel and Holler (2011), explain what it means to “do gender.” In your answer, identify clearly why this is a) an interactionist approach and b) why it contributes to our understanding of the social construction of gender. Think here also about the relationship between gender inequality and gender difference.
How do you “do gender” in your everyday life? Use at least three (3) examples to answer this question. To guide your choice of examples, think of the following questions. What steps do you take in the morning before you interact with anyone else to make sure that you are seen as a woman or as a man? What goes through your mind when you are walking on the street and you determine whether the people walking around you are men or women? Have you ever been unsure as to whether someone you saw or talked to was a man or a woman? Why do you think this was your reaction? Try to go beyond clothing in your examples. Be self-reflexive and creative! Once again, keep in mind the relationship between gender inequality and gender difference.
Please cite properly and include a bibliography in your assignment. Please refer to the handout “How to cite properly.” Points will be deducted for citing improperly.

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Posted on May 14, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions