Read the case study “Burger King Beefs Up Global

Contract Law
October 1, 2020
Topic: Managing Groups and Teams
October 1, 2020

Read the case study “Burger King Beefs Up Global

Read the case study “Burger King Beefs Up Global

Prepare a paper (700 to 1 ,050 words) discussing the case and incorporating answersto the questions below. It is importantto address each
oft e questions presented. CSU requiresthat students use the APAformat in writing course papers. Therefore, the PA rules forformatting,
quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. The Reference List is not included in the required paper length.
Your paper must contain at least five references, which may include your course textbook, internet sources, books, and professional journals
or other appropriate resources. Please do not copy or plagiarize others materials. All papers are electronically scanned by Turnltln.
Significant deduction of points may resultwhen copying and plagiarism is evident.

Read the case study “Burger King Beefs Up Global

Operations” at the end of Chapter 12 of your course textbook. lncorporate into your analysis responses to the following questions. You
should make sure to incorporate core concepts from your reading assignment.

1. What is Burger King’s core competency? ow does it relate

to its chosen strategy?

2. How would you explain how Burger King has decided to configure and coordinate its value chain? Which of

Bur er

lGng’;”s v alue chain activities create the most v alue for the company?

3. Burger King globally expanded laterthan its main fast food

competitor. What adv antages and disadvantages has

this created?

4. When entering another country, discussthe advantages and disadvantages

that an international restaurant

company, specifically Burger King,would have in comparison with a local company in that market.

5. About

two-thirds of Burger King’s restaurants and revenues are in its Americas region (United States and

Canada) and one-third elsewhere.

Should this relationship change? If so, why and how?

6. The case mentionsthat Burger King prefersto enter countries with large numbers of

yputh and shoppinq1 centers.

hy do you thinkt ese conditions would be advantageous?

7. How has Burger King’s headquarters location

influenced its international expansion? Hasthis location

strengthened orweakened its global competitive position?

8. As CEO of Burger

lfing, what tools and strategies would you use when deciding on possible future locationsfor

the company.

9. What do the implications of

the challenges identified in the case have for Burger King’s strategy today and in the


The textbook is”lnternationl Business’

thirteen edition by John D. Daniels, Lee H. Radebaugh, and Daniel P. Sullivan.