Read Spelke, Elizabeth S., and Katherine D. Kinzler. Core knowledge. Developmental science 10.1 (2007): 89-96. The article critique should exhibit ori

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Read Spelke, Elizabeth S., and Katherine D. Kinzler. Core knowledge. Developmental science 10.1 (2007): 89-96. The article critique should exhibit ori

Order DescriptionRead Kuhlmeier, V., Wynn, K., & Bloom, P. (2003). Attribution of dispositional states by 12-month-olds. Psychological Science, 14, 402-408.Read Spelke, Elizabeth S., and Katherine D. Kinzler. Core knowledge. Developmental science 10.1 (2007): 89-96.The article critique should exhibit originality, thoughtfulness, insight, and critical thinking. The critique should also answer the following questioning: What are the potential applications of this work? Was the evidence provided conclusive? What could be done better for future researchers?PROVIDE IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS.
DO NOT QUOTE CITATIONS AS THE MAJORITY OF THE ARTICLE CRITIQUE.The critique should also demonstrate the following:
evidence of deep, analytical thinking about the assigned topic
points articulated in a clear, straightforward, and understandable way
a logical, compelling, and convincing argument, proposition or demonstration of the assigned topic use of a good academic writing style including proper spelling and grammar
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