May 20, 2020
Assignment #2
May 20, 2020

Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking

Project description
Research Brief for Belief/Value Speech

I. Give a complete and proper APA citation for five sources. If you are unsure how to do a

proper citation please use the following guide from the Perdue University Online Writing Lab to

assist you: For online citations visit: Do not use an online citation builder as

these tend to be inaccurate or incomplete.

Two of your sources must come from scholarly articles. Three can come from reputable/expert

a) Provide a brief (100-300 word) summary of the entire source in your own words.

You may not simply copy or rewrite the abstract. You must summarize it in a way

that lets the reader know you have read the entire article.

b) Identify what specific quotes, data, or other research you plan to use in your

speech. This could be anything from one quote to several statistical summaries to

a helpful conclusion.

c) For each element of evidence include a brief (100-200) word rationale for why

you intend to use it. You should explain how it supports your argument, not just

whether or not the evidence is good or helpful.

II. Provide three counter argument sources. You need to properly cite these sources using APA

style, and explain the counter argument, but do not need to elaborate on with summaries or

quotes (unless you want to).

III. Include a call to action (will you ask the audience to fill out a survey, write to a senator, write

to an organization, something else?)

Persuasive Strategy (weakening commitment, strengthening commitment, conversion)

APA Citation (do not add the URL above the citation. The URL is included as directed by APA

Rationale for using the evidence

Repeat process for sources 1-5

End with a list of three counter arguments-sources

Remember to bold the headings and to put a space between each section.