Queer of color scholar Jose Muňoz observed that Women of Color Feminism represented a crucial break in gender studies discourse in which any naive positioning of gender as the primary and singular mode of difference within feminist theory and politics was irrevocably challenged.
At the heart of this breakthrough was the theory of intersectionality and its challenge to what critical race theorist Kimberl? Crenshaw called the ?single-axis framework.? In your essay, examine the writings by Norma Alarcon (re: ?multiple-voiced subjectivities?), Andrea Smith (re: the indigenous/Native American perspective on gender violence), and Angela Davis (re: the myth of the ?Black Rapist?) and discuss in what specific ways the theory of ?intersectionality? is instrumental as each author develops analysis on the specific issue and context of her own concern. The objective of this assignment is for you to demonstrate the ability not so much to offer entirely new ideas or present original theories as to bring together different authors? engagement with seemingly discrepant situations in order to delineate the shared point of conjunctures, critical dialogues and challenges.