quantitative method in social health wealth research

Process Recording
May 29, 2020
Research essay writing
May 29, 2020

quantitative method in social health wealth research

Topic: quantitative method in social health wealth research

I.    Survey Questionnaire
1.    Do you agree that studying airway management in Saudi is better than studying in Australia?

2. Do you agree that Saudi has better trainers in airway management than Australia?

3.    What do you think about practical training opportunities in airway management in Saudi?

4.    Do you agree that students who study airway management in Australia are more qualified than those who study in Saudi?

5.    Do you agree that airway management studies in Saudi provide a student with professional confidence?

6.    Do you agree that students studying airway management in Saudi get enough exposure to clinical equipment?
7.    Do you agree that Australian universities offer relevant learning opportunities in airway management?

8.    Do you agree that Saudi trainers provide students with enough guided practice?

9.    What do you think about the duration of training anaesthetics in Saudi?
Very long                  Too short                 It is appropriate             No Idea
10.    What do you think about the duration of training anaesthetics in Australia?
Very long                  Too short                 It is appropriate                   No Idea
11.    Do you agree that there are enough institutions offering airway management studies in Saudi?

12.    Do you agree that cultural difference affects the confidence of Saudi students who study airway management in Australia?

13.    How satisfied are you with studying airway management in Saudi?

14.    Do you agree that students feel more confident to manage airway management only after studying in Australia?
15.    What do you think about the equipment used to study airway management in Saudi?

16.    Do you agree that Australia uses better equipment to study airway management than Saudi?

17.    Do you think Saudi has competent professional s who can teach airway management studies?
YES                    NO                      No idea
18.    Do you agree that Australia has better institutions than Saudi for studying airway management?

19.    Do you agree that students who study airway management in Australia lack professional confidence in practice?

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