Quality & Reliability 2 ’14-15.

Operations Management: Process Designing
September 28, 2020
Training Needs Assessment, Part 2
September 28, 2020

Quality & Reliability 2 ’14-15.

Quality & Reliability 2 ’14-15.

Assignment 1
This assignment is worth 12.5%
Latest Due Date: Monday 1oth November 5pm
Please ensure that all work is shown neatly.
Please make an individual attempt all all exercises. Copying will accrue you zero percent
Submission Type: Hardcopy only into my Pigeon Hole (bottom row. Two pigeon holes in)
Question 1
The data in the table below was collected in order to test a rumour that there were differences in
tensile strengths between the products from nominally identical plants owned by a single company.
The tensile strength values have been coded.

X= (Strength – 60.0) – 10


Table 1.0 Tensile Strength of Product
Demonstrate manually the calculations and logic required build up an ANOVA table (to include Mean
Square, Sum of Squares, Degrees of Freedom and F value) for this problem. At the 1% level of
significance, what do you conclude about the rumour?

(25 Marks)
A GRR study on a measurement system was undertaken by three operators using ten parts. Each
part was measured three times for a particular characteristic. The results of that measurement are
on a .xls file on webcourses labelled GRRExampleMSA.xlsx. Using Minitab, conduct an appropriate
GRR study. Interpret the output from Minitab (please show relevant screen shots) and determine
whether this measurement system is fit for purpose.

(20 Marks)