Public Transportation and Land Use in terms of ridership in Portland Oregon Academic Essay

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Public Transportation and Land Use in terms of ridership in Portland Oregon Academic Essay


Planning for transit system or improve any transit system in any state or country should put into consideration the land use of that city or country. Land use is a very important factor in order to estimate ridership and how the new or improved transit system will be affected by population or distance. There are many factors that can effect on the land use and the relation with transit system such as ridership. Constructing new roads or new transit services have different impacts. Some cities attract more transit ridership while some cities or small towns always attract more transit demand. Ridership in different cities or towns can vary depends on employment, shopping stores, or residency.

Literature review

In this project, I’ll use some journal articles related to the topic in order to prove my ideas. I’ll use some transit data from TriMet to show different ridership between different neighborhoods or cities. This analysis will help me to show the relation between public transportation and land use in terms of ridership.


Ridership analysis will be used to show different criteria when it comes to public transportation and land use. Also I’ll explain and show different factors that might increase or decrease ridership. Ridership can vary depends on population, employment, urban or sub-urban cities etc…


This research paper is going to study the relation between land use and transit system by giving different planning tools and show the connections between land use and public transportation in order to serve the community and increase ridership.

Research questions

What are the connections or the relation between land use and public transportation when it comes to planning?
What are the factors to increase transit ridership?
What are the factors affecting land use in terms of ridership?

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Posted on May 20, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions