Public Transit and Land Use relation Academic Essay

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Public Transit and Land Use relation Academic Essay

Statistically Analysis required for these tables below, by making any of statistical tests for each of them and then analysis the results then writing the report about it and declaring the answers of these two questions by detail.

Why do some intra-urban areas attract more transit riders than others?
What types of neighborhoods may induce greater transit demand?

1- These data obtained from the for both places (A and B ).
Data from
Place Description of Place Walk Score Transit Score Bike Score
A Commercial area, close to downtown 91 89 81
B Residential area, 20 mile from Downtown 75 45 69

2- These data obtained from the analyzing the amount of ridership on the one of the routs for bus transit, about 4 bus station ( 1,2 from residential area, and 3,4 commercial area close to Downtown ), ON s mean people rides bus in bus stations, and OFFs mean people drop off from bus in these stations, and the numbers are for ridership’s.
Ridership Vs Locations 1,2,3 and 4
Residential area, Far from Downtown Commercial area, so close to downtown
1 2 3 4
ON s 1731 1932 821 477
OFFs 3666 946 9006 12669

These data obtained from the analyzing the amount of ridership on the one of the routs for bus transit, for only 2 bus station ( A residential area, and B is commercial area close to downtown ), ON s mean people rides bus in stations, and OFFs mean people drop off from bus in these stations, and the numbers are for ridership’s in weekends and workdays at a period of entire month Nov. 2014.

Weekend Workday
Place ON s OFF s ON s OFF s
A 426 432 1453 2138
B 194 2488 504 8366

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions