Public Policy Topic: G.I. Bill

Federal Response during Disasters
October 14, 2020
Freedom of speech
October 14, 2020

Public Policy Topic: G.I. Bill

Topic: Public Policy Topic: G.I. Bill

Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.S.)

Research Paper on the G.I. Bill.

Tubarian Style.

Describe the policymaking process that this policy went through.

Rate the influence that legislative bodies, the judicial system, the
executive branch and federal bureaucracy and other entities such as
interest groups, political parties, and the media had on the creation
and continuation of this policy.

Explain which of the policy models is most useful for understanding this policy.

Include Cover page, table of contents, use endnote style for
references. No bibliography.

Must be in a Word file.

Must have Thomas Dye’s, Understanding Public Policy 12th ed., as one
reference. (Chapter 3 has policy making processes and Chapter 2
explains policy models.)

No limit or restrictions on references, but would prefer no less than 8.

Would prefer an update by Thursday April 15, by 8:00 PM CST, if possible.

I am available anytime. If no answer, will return call shortly, just
leeave message.