Public Health Problem and Population

Web Site Evaluation
July 3, 2020
Identify the primary role and duties/responsibilities associated with his or her position, as well as any required skills, experience, and abilities n
July 3, 2020

Public Health Problem and Population

The additional 7 more pages is to convert the outline into an original research paper.  Ensuring to make corrections to the professors remarks. I have attached the outline with teachers corrections.

Please open the other word documents

The final paper will build on the second outline expanding on each theme. No additional references required. Total length: should now be about 11-12 pages

Criteria for  Final Paper


Public Health Problem and Population

This should be an established public health problem. There are hundreds available, e.g: Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, community violence, air pollution, childhood asthma, unintentional injuries, suicide, lead poisoning, cardiovascular disease (CVD), CVD risk factors, breast or prostate cancer, and birth defects. You should designate a specific population for your topic, e.g. Children, or African American children, or Asian elderly.


Description of the Problem and Population

a. Characteristics of population have chosen (Author, year; Author, year;)
b. Incidence of problem in chosen population (Author, year; Author, year)
c. Prevalence of problem in chosen population (Author, year)
d. Significance of problem in chosen population (Author, year)


Contributing Factors – Individual

For example, physiological psychological, behavioral factors that contribute to the problem.
a. Individual Factor 1 (Author, year)
b. Individual Factor 2 (Author, year)


Contributing Factors – Interpersonal

For example, cultural, family, social or community factors that contribute to the problem
a. Interpersonal Factor 1 (Author, year)
b. Interpersonal Factor 2 (Author, year)


Contributing Factors – Environmental

These are factors related to medical, political, economic or geographical systems that impact the problem
a. Environmental Factor 1 (Author, year)
b. Environmental Factor 2 (Author, year)



Describe examples of past prevention programs, and their relative success. For details of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, see your text (Cohen, Chavez and Chehimi) ch. 1-2.
a. Primary Prevention (Author, year)
b. Secondary Prevention (Author, year)
c. Tertiary Prevention (Author, year)


Public Health Policy Implications

One public policy measure that might advance prevention of the problem (Author, year)



Provide full citations for all references referred to in the text. All major statements in your paper should be supported by a reference. In the text, these references receive a brief citation only – author and year of publication, e.g., Smith, 2012. In section 8, full references are listed. Follow APA style throughout. Please note that references should usually be from a peer-reviewed journal. Popular media or product advertisements are not reliable scholarly references.

Only two  or three more references  if need b

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