When a guest stays at a hotel, they are, at-the-minimum, promised a clean, safe and comfortable accommodation€¦€¦€¦€¦
July 22, 2020
Written Business Plan and Presentation
July 22, 2020


Please answer each question individually and in paragraph form. Use as many references as needed.Chapter 2
1. Many students come to psychology courses with naive ideas about Freuds theory. After reading this chapter, which of your previously held ideas have been changed? Which have been confirmed?
2. After reading about the ego-defense mechanisms, do you recognize any of these behaviors in yourself or others? Explain your answer with examples.Chapter 3
1. According to Jung, how are the different aspects of personality integrated? What aspects might you expect to be in conflict?
2. What does Jung mean by personality type? How is this concept different from the personality type concept that comes from Freudian theory?Chapter 4
1. How might compensation or overcompensation have played a role in the development of your personality?
2. To what extent are Adlers findings about birth order true of your personality? Be sure to develop specific examples.Chapter 5
1. Which of the neurotic trends (needs) developed by Horney do you see in your own behavior? Can you provide explanations for these behaviors that do not attribute them to anxiety?
2. In what ways is Horneys theory comparable to Adlers?Chapter 6
1. Explain, in your own words, Eriksons epigenetic principle. Give examples where possible.
2. In which of Eriksons stages do you currently see yourself? Try to identify the crisis that characterizes your current stage and speculate concerning the resolution of this stage.Chapter 7
1. Does Allports theory satisfy his five criteria for an adequate theory of personality? Explain.
2. Does Allports theory adequately explain psychopathology? Develop your answer with examples.Chapter 8
1. Cattells and Eysencks theories are derived from measurement rather than from clinical practice or intensive psychoanalysis. Are they more or less satisfying than previously discussed theories? Explain your answer.
2. Cattell and Eysenck disagree about the role of intelligence in personality. With which position do you agree? Explain your argument.Chapter 9
1. What did Skinner mean when he suggested that personality is merely ones history of reinforcement?
2. What aspects of your own personality or what changes in your personality can you attribute to reinforcement (or punishment)? Be sure to develop your answer and anticipate alternative explanations.Chapter 10
1. Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
A. Aggression is always a consequence of frustration
B. Three moderating factors
1. Drive level associated with the frustrated response
2. Completeness of the frustration
3. Cumulative effect of minor frustrations
In what instances have you observed the frustration-aggression hypothesis in action? What factors might make aggression more (or less) likely under conditions of frustration?Please answer each question individually and in paragraph form. Use as many references as needed.Chapter 2
1. Many students come to psychology courses with naive ideas about Freuds theory. After reading this chapter, which of your previously held ideas have been changed? Which have been confirmed?
2. After reading about the ego-defense mechanisms, do you recognize any of these behaviors in yourself or others? Explain your answer with examples.Chapter 3
1. According to Jung, how are the different aspects of personality integrated? What aspects might you expect to be in conflict?
2. What does Jung mean by personality type? How is this concept different from the personality type concept that comes from Freudian theory?Chapter 4
1. How might compensation or overcompensation have played a role in the development of your personality?
2. To what extent are Adlers findings about birth order true of your personality? Be sure to develop specific examples.Chapter 5
1. Which of the neurotic trends (needs) developed by Horney do you see in your own behavior? Can you provide explanations for these behaviors that do not attribute them to anxiety?
2. In what ways is Horneys theory comparable to Adlers?Chapter 6
1. Explain, in your own words, Eriksons epigenetic principle. Give examples where possible.
2. In which of Eriksons stages do you currently see yourself? Try to identify the crisis that characterizes your current stage and speculate concerning the resolution of this stage.Chapter 7
1. Does Allports theory satisfy his five criteria for an adequate theory of personality? Explain.
2. Does Allports theory adequately explain psychopathology? Develop your answer with examples.Chapter 8
1. Cattells and Eysencks theories are derived from measurement rather than from clinical practice or intensive psychoanalysis. Are they more or less satisfying than previously discussed theories? Explain your answer.
2. Cattell and Eysenck disagree about the role of intelligence in personality. With which position do you agree? Explain your argument.Chapter 9
1. What did Skinner mean when he suggested that personality is merely ones history of reinforcement?
2. What aspects of your own personality or what changes in your personality can you attribute to reinforcement (or punishment)? Be sure to develop your answer and anticipate alternative explanations.Chapter 10
1. Frustration-Aggression Hypothesis
A. Aggression is always a consequence of frustration
B. Three moderating factors
1. Drive level associated with the frustrated response
2. Completeness of the frustration
3. Cumulative effect of minor frustrations
In what instances have you observed the frustration-aggression hypothesis in action? What factors might make aggression more (or less) likely under conditions of frustration?