Psychology questions Academic Essay

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Psychology questions Academic Essay

Psychology questions

Question 1 of 20

5.0 Points

If a person chooses an option with an uncertain outcome over one with a guaranteed outcome, the person is said to be:

A. confident.

B. less cautious.

C. risk-prone.

D. All of the above

Question 2 of 20

5.0 Points

In a two-choice situation for pigeons, the left key has a VI schedule that delivers 60 reinforcers per hour, and the right key has a VI schedule that delivers 20 reinforcers per hour. The matching law predicts that a pigeon will make __________ of its responses on the left key.

A. 25%

B. 50%

C. 75%

D. 100%

Question 3 of 20

5.0 Points

According to Caraco’s theory about risk taking, animals are:

A. more risk prone when food is scarce.

B. more risk prone when food is plentiful.

C. more risk averse when they are hungry.

D. None of the above

Question 4 of 20

5.0 Points

In phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent VI schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. In phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. The subject’s percentage of left responses is 40% in phase 1, and 60% in phase 2. This performance is an example of:

A. matching.

B. undermatching.

C. overmatching.

D. bias.

Question 5 of 20

5.0 Points

According to melioration theory, if presented with concurrent VR 20 and VR 60 schedules, what percentage of a subject’s responses will be made on the VR 20 schedule?

A. 100%

B. 75%

C. 0%

D. Either a or c

Question 6 of 20

5.0 Points

According to optimization theory, if presented with concurrent VR 20 and VR 60 schedules, what percentage of a subject’s responses will be made on the VR 20 schedule?

A. 100%

B. 75%

C. 0%

D. Either a or c

Question 7 of 20

5.0 Points

In phase 1 of a choice experiment involving concurrent VI schedules, a human subject receives 25% of his reinforcers by making a left response. In phase 2, he receives 75% of his reinforcers by making a left response. The subject’s percentage of left responses is 15% in phase 1, and 81% in phase 2. This performance is an example of:

A. matching.

B. undermatching.

C. overmatching.

D. bias.

Question 8 of 20

5.0 Points

An individual must make a choice between a small reinforcer and a larger but more delayed reinforcer. If the individual is forced to make a commitment well in advance of when the options will be delivered, the individual will be:

A. more unpredictable.

B. more likely to choose the small reinforcer.

C. more likely to choose the large reinforcer.

D. None of the above

Question 9 of 20

5.0 Points

In a self-control choice situation where the actual reinforcers are visible during a delay, both children and animals are more likely to choose the __________ reinforcer.

A. smaller, more immediate

B. medium, more immediate

C. medium, delayed

D. larger, delayed

Question 10 of 20

5.0 Points

A strategy NOT advisable for a person who wants to lose weight is:

A. purchase only foods that are low in calories.

B. purchase only foods that can be prepared quickly.

C. reinforce yourself with some non food item or activity for passing up dessert.

D. put pictures or other stimuli around the kitchen to remind you of your long term goal.

Question 11 of 20

5.0 Points

In a concurrent VI VI situation, a subject has just switched from the poorer VI to the better VI. Momentary maximizing theory predicts that as time passes, the likelihood of a switch back to the other VI:

A. will increase.

B. will decrease.

C. will remain constant.

D. will first increase then decrease.

Question 12 of 20

5.0 Points

Making a choice of a large, delayed reinforcer in advance, so that later it is difficult to choose a smaller, more immediate reinforcer, is called:

A. tragedy of the commons.

B. precommitment.

C. overmatching.

D. undermatching.

Question 13 of 20

5.0 Points

According to momentary maximization theory, in a concurrent VI VI situation, a subject will:

A. show exclusive preference for the better VI schedule.

B. respond randomly on a moment to moment basis.

C. switch quickly from the poorer VI to the better VI, but switch slowly from the better VI to the poorer VI.

D. None of the above

Question 14 of 20

5.0 Points

Studies with animals have shown that in a self control situation, the use of a precommitment procedure is more effective in increasing the number of large reinforcer choices if:

A. there is no delay between the precommitment period and the delivery of either reinforcer.

B. there is a long delay between the precommitment period and the delivery of either reinforcer.

C. the small immediate reinforcer is visible during the precommitment period.

D. the animal is distracted during the precommitment period.

Question 15 of 20

5.0 Points

The tragedy of the commons can be averted by:

A. setting legal limits on how much the community’s resources can be used.

B. charging fees for the use of the community’s resources.

C. encouraging individuals to consider the long term consequences of their actions for the community as a whole.

D. All of the above

Question 16 of 20

5.0 Points

The rate of delay discounting is usually __________ for children than for adults.

A. slower

B. faster

C. easier

D. more difficult

Question 17 of 20

5.0 Points

Children are MORE likely to choose a more desirable but delayed reinforcer over an immediate but less desirable reinforcer if:

A. both reinforcers are visible during the delay period.

B. stimuli associated with the reinforcers are present during the delay period.

C. some other, irrelevant behavior can be performed during the delay period.

D. All of the above

Question 18 of 20

5.0 Points

A self-control choice is a choice between a __________ reinforcer and a __________ reinforcer.

A. small and immediate; large and delayed

B. small and delayed; large and immediate

C. small and risky; large and guaranteed

D. immediate and guaranteed; delayed and risky

Question 19 of 20

5.0 Points

Pigeons are more likely to choose a more desirable but delayed reinforcer instead of an immediate but less desirable reinforcer if:

A. both reinforcers are visible during the delay period.

B. stimuli associated with the reinforcers are present during the delay period.

C. some other, irrelevant behavior can be performed during the delay period.

D. All of the above

Question 20 of 20

5.0 Points

Experiments have shown that in situations where optimization theory predicts one behavior and the matching law predicts another:

A. animals usually behave as the matching law predicts.

B. animals usually behave as optimization theory predicts.

C. animals shift back and forth, sometimes following the matching law and sometimes optimization theory.

D. people follow the matching law but animals do not.

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Posted on May 13, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions
