Psychology – Operant Conditioning and Addiction Treatment
Order Description
need a rough draft done by Saturday JUne 4th – about 4 pages. The finshed paper is due on June 10th
Paper requirements:
Your paper must contain the following
Must be written in APA format
Minimum 3000 words
Approximately 8-10 pages
Title page
References (not included in page count)
Format of Paper (these should be section headings for your paper)
Introduction of topic-what are you writing about and why is it important??
Literature review of your five primary sources-be sure to connect the literature to your topic
Conclusion-what does the research tell you?? Is there future research in this area?
All papers should use at least five outside academic references.
Papers must return a similarity index below 30% in Papers returning a similarity index greater than 30% will be referred to administration and given a grade of ZERO pending further investigation