full project proposal that should contain the following items: Academic Essay
October 11, 2020
Identify studies concluding causation w/correlational data
October 11, 2020


Project Risk Management: Since several problems have been occurring on the Convert University Campus from Partially Wired to All Wireless Project, you have decided to be more proactive in managing risks. You also want to address positive and negative risks. Tasks: 1. Create a risk register for the project, using Table 11-5 as a guide. Identify six potential risks, including at least two positive risks. 2. Plot the six risks on a probability/impact matrix, using Figure 11-4 as a guide. Assign a numeric value for the probability of each risk, and its impact on meeting the main project objectives. Use a scale of 1 to 10 to assign the values, with 1 being lowest and 10 being highest. For a simple risk factor calculation, multiply these two values (the probability score and the impact score). Enter the new data in the risk register. Write your rationale for how you determined the scores for one of the negative risks and one of the positive risks. 3. Develop a response strategy for one of the negative risks and one of the positive risks. Enter the information in the risk register. Write a separate paragraph describing what specific tasks would need to be done to implement the strategy. In addition, include time and cost estimates for each strategy