COTH2136 Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Management
June 15, 2020
Exploration of the Need for Types of Preparation for Educational Leadership in Saudi Arabia
June 16, 2020

Project Administration

Project Administration

Order Description

Project Administration
1. Question
Individually, you are to provide a report on the following question:

‘Discuss the issues that arise from the presentation and settlement of claims under a Standard Form of Contract.’

The word “Discuss” means to critically evaluate claims in negative impact of real life scenario involving presentation and settlement of claims under J.C.T and positive impact of real life scenario involving presentation and settlement of claims under J.C.T form of construction contract.
Have to create a real life case study scenario involving presentation and settlement of claims under construction Standard Form of Contract. link the scenario up so that it can reasonable to disagree with the negative issues that arises from the presentation and settlement of claims under J.C.T standard form of contract and necessary to support the positive issues(impacts) that arises from the presentation and settlement of claims under J.C.T standard form of contract.
The work is to look generically at claims and presentation issues. However, it may be necessary for you to look at just a few key issues on a particular type of claim, e.g. programming issues.

The desired Learning Outcomes of this assessment are:
• Formulate opinion upon legal and contractual issues relating to building procedures
• Identify and deal with both simple and complex administrative procedures and appreciate the cultural differences to these procedures imposed by alternative contract conditions
• Make informed judgments by critically evaluating problems and prepare succinct reports to complex administrative issues.