programmatic uses within building types

European law
October 8, 2020
Personal/ Prompt Communication:
October 8, 2020

programmatic uses within building types

Prepare one page research outline of the various programmatic uses within the assigned building type below:
Food shopping and Pharmacy.
Hint: for each use group( in this case Food shopping and Pharmacy), come up with all variations you can determine for each use -from most basic to most elaborate-.
e.g. the range of pharmacy uses may range from a small neighborhood apothecary focused solely on prescriptions, herbs, natural treatments, to a super drug store like a Walgreen’s or CVS which may also double as a general convenience store.

-quotation and citation are important.
-English is my second language, so I do not use a lot of academic and complicated sentences.
– my writing style is simple and clear, I don’t use complicated sentences.