why do animal become extinct.
August 22, 2020
Effective Meeting Planning
August 22, 2020

professional ethics

professional ethics

Order Description
the course is reflective nursing practice

please I want you to complete the journal . please use current references and professional web sites. also check for plagiarism. Please just follow the instructions thanks.
the assignment is below

“Nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations” (ANA, 2014).

Standards of practice guide “nursing” to deliver safe, quality, evidence-based care.

Reflect on these highlighted words and discuss (based on your nursing practice) the significance of these elements to the following equation:

Positive outcome = safety, quality, evidence-based practice

**** Please use the grading criteria below to answer the question

Grading Criteria Points
Possible Points
1. Clearly label and identify (write out) the course outcome (s) 2
2. Thoughtfully and thoroughly write journal content. Highlight activities that reflect the student learning outcome. Each journal assignment has specific instructions as well). See specific point allocation below. (9)
1) Reflection on words and equation 5
2) Reflection of activities that reflect learning outcomes 4
3. Identify and discuss a “take away” from this learning experience 2
4. Used correct grammar, punctuation, and APA formatting. 2