problem solving skills training

Response to Classmates Post (Angela)
September 19, 2020
Marketing Project-Kuwait
September 19, 2020

problem solving skills training

problem solving skills training

Paper instructions:
OBJECTIVE:  To identify an issue related to one or more of the core areas of organisational behaviour and develop an evidence based intervention strategy (EBIS) that aims to address that

issue and apply best practice in evidence based measurement and management.

The intervention must go beyond replication or simple extension of existing strategies in the literature and should demonstrate creativity in the identification of the issue(s) and intervention

(s). The rational for the chosen approach for each element of the intervention should be clearly stated and supported with reference to empirical literature.

The EBIS should be presented in the form of a professional report which will be added to a resource compendium accessible to the whole cohort. The EBIS should present a viable research

opportunity for an HR/OD or OP professional seeking to conduct an evaluation of the intervention. A hard copy of the proposal must be presented for evaluation and should be accompanied by

the Similarity Index percentage from the Turnitin report. Appendices giving details of any key instruments, scales and models should be included.

The EBIS should be approximately 3000 words and should broadly follow the structure below.

Structure of the report

Overview Abstract
Outline of structure & content of the report
Statement of the issue/problem
Description of key population(s)
Definition of key constructs
Method & Design of intervention
Discussion and rational for each of the strategies
Evidence that the intervention is based on empirical research (i.e. evidence based)
Design of evaluation
Measures for evaluation
Data analysis methods to be used
Critique Cautions, limitations and points of note relating to the design
Appendices Include any required additional materials and details of resources accessed