Using operations and service management literature, critically evaluate how accommodation can be managed to ensure customer satisfaction.
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March 31, 2020

Principles of Management

The research topics have been carefully selected to compliment the MGMT 330 Principles of Management Course. I’ve included justification for each of the topics.
? Chap 1: Discuss the 10 key executive activities/roles mentioned in Chapter 1 of your text. Explain how these roles play out in real life situations and include

examples to demonstrate your understanding of the various roles. Do you believe executives participate in all of these roles on a routine basis, or does it depend on

other factors? What factors might influence the extent to which an executive does or does not engage in all 10 key roles?
? Chap 1: As discussed in Chapter 1 of your text, between 1924-1932 a series of studies were conducted to investigate the influence of physical working conditions on

worker?s productivity and efficiency. These studies, led by Harvard researcher Elton Mayo, were known as The Hawthorne Studies. Discuss these studies and their

importance in the history of management. What were some of the most significant and startling findings revealed, and how can these studies benefit managers today, even

though they were conduct so many years ago?
? Chap 2: Managers today strive to make data-driven decisions, but oftentimes there is a scarcity of information and/or the organization operates in a dynamic and

complex environment that creates instability and uncertainty. Describe environmental uncertainty and discuss factors that cause or contribute to that uncertainty.

Also, explain how organizations respond to it, as discussed in Chapter 2 of your text. Be thorough and provide specific examples.
? Chap 16: According to Chapter 16 of your text, there are three broad strategies for achieving organizational control: bureaucratic control, market control, and clan

control. No single approach is perfect for every situation, so compare and contrast these three types of controls and discuss characteristics of each, examples,

pros/cons, what types of organizations might be more conducive to one type of control over another, etc. Include anything else about these control strategies that you

feel is relevant and will further demonstrate your understanding of the concepts.
? Chap 13: In the history of management there are numerous theories on the subject of motivation. Three such theories discussed in Chapter 13 of your text, described

as ?content theories?, are Maslow?s Hierarchy of Needs, Alderfer?s ERG Theory, and McClelland?s Needs Theory. Compare and contrast these three theories and explain in

your own words how they are similar and dissimilar. How are they relevant for today?s managers?
? Chap 13: Expectancy Theory and Equity Theory are discussed in Chapter 13 of your text. Explain each theory and its importance to the study of management as it

relates to employees and managers today. Explain the basis for each theory and how you as a manager might benefit from this knowledge. With a clear understanding of

each theory, discuss specific examples from your own employment history where you feel this knowledge was used, or could have been used.
? Chap 13: Managers are always looking for ways to inspire and motivate their employees to be more productive, as well as providing them a work environment that will

lead to employee satisfaction and creativity. Trying to reach a balance between the two can oftentimes be a daunting task, especially if the nature of the job itself

is very specialized and narrow in scope (Ex: assembly line worker). One factor to consider is ?job design?. Explore the various methods available to managers in this

regard, discussed in Chapter 13 of your text. At a minimum you should discuss the concepts of job rotation, job enlargement, Herzberg?s Two-Factor Theory, and

empowerment. Try to think of an example where a job you had was enhanced using one of the methods just discussed.