1) how are human resources and organisational behaviour issues linked? In your answer you should identify six personnel function, their specific issues and activities and their connection to organisational behaviour.
2) define what systemetic soldiering means in the work of FW Taylor and state how he overcame.
3) there are seven reasons as to why classical management structures continue to be a feature of majority of large companies today . Identify and discuss six of these.
4) Identify and discuss the different aspects of employee involvement in the organisation.
5) describe the principles of scientific management as developed by FW Taylor, and how these were important for scientific management objectives.
6) why is the work of Henri Fayol still important in the evolution of management thinking almost 100 years after it was firdt published? In your answer you should identify his managerial activities, describe them and say why are still important foe business today.
7)discuss the managerial activities developed by Henri Fayol and give argument as to why they are still both advocated and criticised in 2014.
8) As a management function is human research management important to the organisation? Your answer should outline at least three reasons to support your view.
9) Discuss employee involvement in the context of the following four individual outcome issues. ( the personal consequences of the work experience and how to improve work to satisfy personal need.
a) Adequate and fair compensation.
B) Safe and healthy environment
c) Development of human capacity
d) Growth and security
10) what are the basics of strategic management?
11) why is employee involvement (EI) important for organisations. Your answer should consider a) contribution to productivity .b) teamwork and participation and c) employee assistance programmes.
12) Is employee involvement in the business necessary for the business succeed? Give reasons for your position on this question and illustrate if possible with examples from case studies or real world situation.
13) compare the ideas of Hertsberg and Maslow in the area of motivation, what is the main significance of their ideas for managers?
14) identify the main management functions, discuss the role if a manager in managing the main business function.
15) Explain key result areas and critical success factors, giving examples of each .How do they contribute to manager’s success? Trust is considered to be a function of what? Discuss the four cores of credibility.
16) as ceo of your organisation how would you lead it?
17) management success means @) responsibility , b) authority, c) accountability. Say why you agree or disagree with this statement and provide reasons. Case study evidence can be used in your answer.
18) why is the work of Henry Mintzberg important to the evolution of management practice?
19) Imagine a panel conversation between Henri Fayol ,FW Taylor and Henry Mintzberg in 2014, the second decade of the 21th century. After their discussion questions are asked from the audience. You have one question only.what would you say to each? How do you think they would reply to your question?
20) Interaction with others is apart of the management role. Discuss this aspects in the context of Mintzberg’s managerial roles with reference to.
A) leader
B) monitor
c) disturbance handler
d) resource allocator
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Posted on May 1, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions