Preparation Outline for (( Influence of Rock Music on Children ))

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July 18, 2020
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July 18, 2020

Preparation Outline for (( Influence of Rock Music on Children ))

Preparation Outline for (( Influence of Rock Music on Children ))Preparation Outline Guidelines:
Title of Your Presentation: Influence of Rock Music on Children
General Purpose: To inform the audience how Rock Music influence on children.
Specific Purpose: I will inform my audience about
I. Attention-getting device:
II. Thesis:
III. Preview:Body
I. Topic Sentence/Main Idea
a. Info
b. Info
c. Info
i. Info
ii. Info
d. Info
[Transition: ]
II. Topic Sentence/Main Idea
a. Info
b. Info
c. Info
I. Summary:
II. Closure:*Everything MUST be in complete sentences.Informative Speech Guidelines:
You will need to take the following into account:
You will need to cite sources in your presentation as well as your preparation outline.
o An example for your preparation outline:
? A study says that drilling on Alaskas North Slope from 1977 to 2001 saved America on trillion dollars in foreign oil costs (Smith, 2000, p. 85).
o You must also cite your sources when presenting your paper. How you incorporate these into your presentation outline is up to you but it must be done!Keep in mind:
Significant points will be lost for preparation outlines not using full sentences, lacking transitions, structure, in-text citations, and references.
Not citing your sources in your presentation is considered plagiarism; it is the same as not citing them in your paper or preparation outline so be very awareof citing sources!This speech will be 4-5 minutes in length.Rubric:
Outline: 46 points