PReflection Assignment Week 2: Personal experience (Berkun’s, “Making Things Happen”)

Write a well-developed essay responding to one of the following documents
September 26, 2020
business model analyses
September 26, 2020

PReflection Assignment Week 2: Personal experience (Berkun’s, “Making Things Happen”)

PReflection Assignment Week 2: Personal experience (Berkun’s, “Making Things Happen”)

Project instructions:
Chapters 1 and 13 from Berkun’s, “Making Things Happen” (will be attached), help us to understand more about what project management is and what it is not. Thinking back on the projects that

you have managed in the past, select one that was particularly important, complex and challenging. Doesn’t matter if the project turned out successfully or not.

Describe the project in terms of:
– Situation that made you select the project or how it is that this project came into your hands
– Goals of the project
– Resources you had available
– People who were involved in some way in the project
– Constraints that you had to work within
– What made the project particularly complex and challenging

Then, drawing at last THREE(3) examples directly from Berkun’s chapters 1 and 13, describe what actions and approaches did you believe you used to make sure the project would happen. It does

not matter whether the actions and approaches were successful or not.
– What actions and approaches did you use consciously? Which were more instinctive or subconscious?
– How effectively do you believe you applied the actions and approaches?
– What we the results of their usage?

Finally, after briefly sharing whether the project was successful or not, describe what you would do differently if you had to go through that project management experience again. Again, make

references to points discussed in the Berkun reading.