“Praise for Student’s Footage of Virginia Tech Mass Killing”

Betsy Case Study
March 20, 2020
Film Analysis/comparison ( ROUGH DRAFT)
March 20, 2020

“Praise for Student’s Footage of Virginia Tech Mass Killing”

“Praise for Student’s Footage of Virginia Tech Mass Killing” by Lily Yulianti and “Disaster Photos: Newsworthy or Irresponsible?” by Mark Memmott with Alan Levin and Greg Livadas. Write a persuasive essay arguing for or against this issue: Is Assuming the Role of Citizen Journalist Worth the Risk?”

Do not use “you” or “your” in your papers.

Support your argument with information from these 2 articles as well as using information from at least 2 other websites you have located. The support in your paper must be documented using in-text citations and a Works Cited page (MLA format). The below two links will get you the two articles referneced above.
Choose which argument for or against that you think will be easier for you to complete. Please use proper MLA citiations throughout paper and a works cited page and it must be 800-1000 words. I have to run this through turnitin.com so please make sure it is properly cited. Any questions let me know. Thanks.

