Global Perspectives on Children’s participation
June 9, 2020
June 9, 2020

power in my life

Use the definitions from the Rockwell Leadership handout on “sources of power” to tell the story of power in your life. Please discuss at least 6 sources of power in your paper, and use examples from your own life to help explain each source of power.
Please address ALL of the following questions in your paper:
a. Sources of power: What sources of power have you used in your life? What sources of power have you seen others use? Give examples from your own experience for each source of power you discuss.
b. Ways power can be used: For each source of power you’ve discussed, explain the way power was used in that example. Are these sources of power coercive (power over others), cooperative (power with others) or empowerment (power within)? Are they a combination, depending on the circumstance?”
c. Media and Power in your Life: What power does media have in your life? Does the media have “power over” you or does it “empower” you and others around you? Use specific examples to explain (based on your own experience).
NOTE: You must discuss AT LEAST 6 different sources of power from the Rockwell Leadership handout in your paper. Use the definitions to help explain each example that you write about in your story.
a. USE THE ROCKWELL HANDOUT for definitions of different sources of power, and your notes from our class discussion about who has power in our lives.
b. POWER CHART: You may also use the additional chart below which contains examples for each type of power:
Power Chart
(Links to an external site.)
(found online by one of your classmates)

the six power you chose it have to include obstructive power, cultural power, structural power and transcendent power , which was number 9- 12. the rest of 2 is up to you.
Instroustor counting points:
Defined/Explained Concepts of Power/ Used Examples to Illustrate Concepts—–6.0 pts
Explained Coercive/Cooperative/Empowerment for each source of power—3.0 pts
Described and Analyzed Role of Media—–3.0 pts