Poverty and Pollution Case Study

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Poverty and Pollution Case Study

Poverty and Pollution Case Study
Determine the ethical implications of businesses polluting in a third world country. Explain your rationale.
Suggest the reasons a business may conduct operations in a third world country and disregard any standards of pollution control.
It has been said that pollution is the price of progress. Assess the connections between economic progress and development, on the one hand, and pollution controls and environmental protection, on the other.
Support the argument that human beings have a moral right to a livable environment regardless of the country they live in.
Take a position on whether wealthy nations have an obligation to provide poorer nations with, or help them develop, greener industries and sources of energy. Explain your rationale.
Propose a plan for uniform global pollution control standards and how you would enforce them.
Use at least three (3) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.