Poster with explanation Academic Essay

Survey analysis and presentation Academic Essay
August 25, 2020
Wills, Trust and Estate Class Academic Essay
August 25, 2020

Poster with explanation Academic Essay

this assessment you are to imagine that you are a Project Officer working with Youth Action (the peak organisation representing young people and youth services in NSW). You have been hired as the project officer in charge of youth and community relations. Your expertise in juvenile justice uniquely qualifies you to communicate complex social scientific ideas to a general audience. Youth Action has hired you to design a poster that communicates their vision of a society where all young people are valued, engaged and supported. The organisation has outlined the key requirements of your task as follows:
Task Description
Youth Action are concerned that punitive (i.e. punishment focused) responses to governing young people in NSW are having a ‘net­widening’ effect that is seeing more and more young people come in contact with the criminal justice system. They would like to draw attention to the special needs of young people as ‘citizens in progress’.Your task is to produce an A4 size poster accompanied by a 500 (+/­ 10%) word explanation that addresses ONE of the themes outlined below. Your target audience includes: the general public, retailers, police and private security.
Young people’s place in public space
Under this theme you may choose to focus on the contentious nature of ‘public’ space. The tensions between commercial interests and youth (e.g. excluding young people from public spaces through regulation of youth practices, such as banning skating, criminalising graffiti, removing youth who are ‘hanging out’ from shopping centres etc.).
Improving youth/police relations or youth/private security relations
Under this theme you may choose to focus on the nature of the relationship between police/private security and marginal youth groups such as; the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) youth, homeless youth, and ethnic minority youth.
Territorial stigmatisation and its effects on young people
Under this theme you may choose to focus on the effects of territorial stigmatisation on youth identity and how crime and violence may turn into, problematic, “magical solutions” or responses to experiences of humiliation and exclusion (e.g. understanding levels of youth­on­youth violence in marginalised communities, understanding the processes of stigmatisation that lead to the marginalisation of youth living in disadvantaged communities).

Use a minimum of two scholarly sources (e.g

. Journal articles, book chapters and respected government websites).
•You must acknowledge the images and ideas of others, reference direct quotes properly using the Harvard referencing system and include a reference list at the end (not included in the word count).
• Viewpoints need to be substantiated using relevant literature, conceptual knowledge, and convincing argumentation.
•You can use some text on your poster but this should be very limited (e.g. slogan or brief quote).
•The 500 (+/­ 10%) word component of the task must be word­processed, doubled spaced and use 12pt font.
•readings will be provided… sample of poster will be provide but u need to find ur own

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Posted on May 25, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions