positions and privileges of whiteness.

Traditional Gangs in America
March 30, 2020
March 30, 2020

positions and privileges of whiteness.

WMST2510A 9.0

On Women: An Introduction to Women’s Studies

Professor Eva C. Karpinski



In her article “Representing Whiteness in the Black Imagination,” bell hooks argues that there is political utility in critically examining the positions and privileges of whiteness. “White people safely imagine that they are invisible to black people,” hooks argues, “since the power they have historically asserted, and even now collectively assert over black people, accorded them the right to control the black gaze.”


In your essay, analyze the intersectional social constructions of whiteness presented in the novel Caucasia. Do not simply summarize the plot. Think critically and analyze the ways that whiteness is being constructed while being the object of critical scrutiny. Be as specific as possible and remember to define whatever terms you use. In addition to making links with the bell hooks essay cited above, you must draw upon at least ONE additional course reading to help you develop your argument.


This is an essay. Do NOT answer in point form. Your essay will be graded on a combination of content, organization, clarity of expression, and on how well your thesis make links between course concepts, the readings, and the novel’s themes. Spelling and grammar count.


  1. Length: 5 pages, double-spaced, plus a Title Page and a Works Cited page. Please note that the page limits are strictly enforced and we stop grading at the maximum length.
  2. Font size and color: no larger than 12 point, black, Times New Roman.
  3. Margins: the standard 1inch top/bottom and 1.25 inches for left/right.
  4. Citation style: Include a Works Cited page at the end of your assignment. Please use APA or MLA citation style.
  • For further instruction on APA or MLA style go the library website: http://researchguides.library.yorku.ca/styleguides
  1. Spelling and grammar count: Papers with obvious surface errors (spelling, grammar, etc.) will be graded accordingly. Leave yourself enough time to proofread your work and do not rely exclusively on computer spell-checks!
  2. Please discuss all issues of extensions and/or grace days with your teaching assistant.