Portfolio-Advancing Career Development
The poster, commentary and discussions within the portfolio demonstrate insight and self knowledge and there is evidence that the student’s employability skills are developing with an awareness of the current graduate jobs market. Knowledge of various graduate jobs market requirements is evident. It is clear that a range of resources and sources of information have been accessed and considered, giving a mature understanding of the labour market and the job hunting task.
Personal development can be observed in the work through the acquisition and application of new self knowledge obtained through self-assessment of key employment skills and a proactive approach to modern graduate job hunting. Tools such as MyPotential Type Dynamic Indicator have been used and the personal reports have been interpreted and discussed in the portfolio.
The work demonstrates a professional approach to employability, with attention to detail, impact, accuracy and good presentation style. Graphics and illustrations have been used within the portfolio in an appropriate and effective manner. The whole portfolio represents an example of good communication similar to the requirements of a job application. Engagement with an online networking environment is professional and effective.
The whole portfolio is well presented and would suitably impress a potential employer. The English grammar and punctuation etc. are all correct in every respect. The word count has been adhered to and the portfolio is well laid out. Citations and references, if used, have been correctly formed using the Coventry University Harvard Referencing Guide. 15%
Referencing Requirements:
Students must prepare a portfolio of total length no more than 2000 words demonstrating their activities on the module and the learning that they have acquired in accordance with the four learning outcomes of the module. The learning outcomes are:
The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to:
¢ Participate in a professional networking environment and appreciate the benefits of such an environment for employers and potential employees.
¢ Enhance graduate employability’ skills of personal development, such as: CV writing, interview skills, meeting management, effective e-mailing.
¢ Perform an analysis of the graduate labour market and discuss possible job opportunities in their preferred industry(ies).
¢ Analyse the advantages/disadvantages of working in different kinds of employment -(Public Sector/Private Sector/Voluntary Sector and large /medium sized/small organisations).
The portfolio must consist of the following five artefacts:
1. A poster created on a single PowerPoint slide promoting the importance of self-efficacy beliefs(DONE)
2. An analytical record of the five lectures on the module given by industry speakers. (Choose 5 from the six lectures)
The analytical record for each lecture must use the following headings.
Date of Lecture
Employer involved
Analysis of industry sector and the graduate jobs available
Discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of working in this sector
Potential for my future employment, if any
Actions taken after the lecture
The six lectures were:
1. Jaguar Land Rover
2. International Experience and Mobility Service (IEMS)
3. Peugeot
4. Yeah but ¦ and the NHS
5. Santander Bank
6. Institute of Applied Entrepreneurship (IAE)
600 words in total are allowed for artefact two.
The six lectures were very different in nature and the headings given above will not all be equally appropriate to all six lectures. Thus, some flexibility will be allowed if not all headings are covered for each of the five lectures chosen. With only 600 words allowed entries for each lecture are expected to be brief but concise.
3. A screenshot of your professional networking page.
Plus 500 words explaining how you personally have used the network in your graduate job hunting and its potential to help you in the future.
LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking site but you can use others if you wish. A single screenshot of your personal account is a sufficient artefact Len Bird November 2012 for item (3) but further screenshots illustrating how you have used LinkedIn would be helpful in explaining how you have used the resource in your graduate job hunting.
In your commentary you must show your professionalism in your use of the site and the calibre of the professional profile you have created. You should show awareness of how recruiters use your social networking presence (e.g. Facebook etc.) in their employee scouting activities. You must explain how you could use professional networking to generate job leads and possible introductions. You must demonstrate your mature knowledge of the Graduate Job market and how building a professional network can help you. Starting with family and close friends explain how you can build your network for advantage. Reflect on your ability to do this effectively and what barriers or problems you can foresee. If possible include screenshots of any Professional Recommendations’ you have managed to acquire in your professional networking site or indicate how you would go about acquiring them.
4. An analysis in 500 words of your employment strengths and weaknesses that you might describe during a graduate job interview.
This artefact gives you an opportunity to show your in-depth self knowledge and how you can communicate it in a professional and constructive way. Firstly, identify your employment strengths and weaknesses and explain how you arrived at them.
Then, present them in a way that will impress an employer with your strengths and mitigate your weaknesses. Think of ways of describing your weaknesses that turn them into possible strengths rather than highlights them as real problems.
For instance, if your self-assessment tools have told you that you have a weakness in that you do not like change, then this could be communicated in a way that states:I prefer to work in situations where targets are challenging but clearly set out and stable.
For artefact (4) make sure you check out the assessment criteria for the portfolio very carefully. Don’t forget the assessment criteria tel you exactly what is required.
5. An action plan stating how you intend to engage with the department’s Employability Personal Tutor in the next semester after the completion of the module. (200 words)
Your action plan can be in any format but it should describe the positive steps that you are going to take in the next semester to engage with the department’s EPT and drive your career plans forward. If you have already settled on a career path and have a job offer or self-employed business plan then describe this in