sample statistic and a population parameter
May 22, 2020
May 22, 2020

political since

political since
Write a summary and analysis on two of the following course materials. Each summary should be a minimum 250-350 words each.
Name your post with the title of the article. Each post should be separate. Meaning you should post twice to the discussion board thread.
Each post should include two direct quotes from the articles below and one quote from either textbook to show the connections between the themes.
* The Art of Listening, Harvey Jackins
* Oppression and Democracy, Nicky Gonzalez Yuen
* The Human Male, Harvey Jackins, et al
* The Politics of Power, Chapter 5, Interest Groups and Social Movement
Can You Hear Us Now?- Anti-Choice abortion and birth-control legislation catalyzes national uproar, Mary Tuma, Ms Magazine (September 2013)
Miss Representation, (film trailer) €“ Jennifer Seibel Newsom-YouTube video
A Black Woman Took My Job, Michael Kimmel, New Internationalist Magazine
Killing Us Softly IV: Advertising Images of Women, Jean Kilbourne video
How Seventeen Undermines Young Women, Kimberly Phillips
The Unforgiven, Jennifer Gonnerman, Ms. Magazine (July/August 2005)
Access Denied: Abortion May Be Legal, But can you get one? Miranda Kennedy
Making Unpaid Labor Count, Alisa Smith
Why Does Popular Culture Treat Prison Rape as a Joke?, Anna Clark, Alternet (Aug 17, 2009)
Tough Guise: Violence, Media & the Crisis in Masculinity, Jason Katz €“ YouTube video clip
Glee Breaks New Ground on Gay Rights, but Must Go Further, Paul Hogarth, Beyond Chron (May 28, 2010)