After doing my typology test on the Pew Research Center (2014), I found that I am a New Coalition Democrat. The characteristics given out for such typology are in line with my previous thoughts. I can confidently state that I undoubtedly agree with the test eighty percent. The results did not surprise me. There are many aspects of the results that identify with my political beliefs and ideology. For example, these people support the government in projects meant to benefit the society, for example, environmental protection. This typology also believes in making business rather than democratic groupings. In addition, they are social liberals, and identify with religion. These qualities rhyme with my political beliefs and ideology. However, one aspect that I disagree with in this site is the characteristic that these people tend to be pro-government. I do not support the government when I believe it is on the wrong.
My test on the Political Compass Website (2014) showed that I am a social libertarian. The urban dictionary (2011) defines a social libertarian as a person who believes in individual autonomy, social liberty and communal independence. This is another test that clearly identifies with my belief and ideology. Again, the results did not surprise me. I am an individual who believes that people should be empowered in order to feed themselves. This is the best way in which people can be assisted to lead a successful life. However, the current meaning of social libertarianism is being confused. Some interpretations tend to associate social libertarian with the Capitalist Libertarian Party (Ellis, 2012). This is completely out of order, because the ideas of a libertarian cannot identify with the ideas of the capitalist.
Ellis. (2012). A libertarian socialist critique of the libertarian party and Ron Paul. International Libertarian Socialist Alliance (ILSA)
Pew Research Centre. (2014). 2011 pew research political typology: Take the quiz. Retrieved online from
Political Compass Website. (2014). Welcome to the political compass: take a test? Retrieved online from
The Urban Dictionary. (2011). Social libertarian. Retrieved from