Policy and Programs for Children and Families

October 22, 2020
explaine how to write
October 23, 2020

Policy and Programs for Children and Families

Policy and Programs for Children and Families

Paper details:

– Both The Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA)


and The Multi-Ethnic Placement Act (MEPA)


– These Policies were passed to address civil rights issues that influence out-of-home placement of children. Yet, they prescribe very different criteria to consider when deciding on appropriate out-of-home placements for children.

– How do you account for these differences?

This assignment under chapter 9 ( Policy and Programs for Children and Families )

My text book is :

Chapin, R. K. (2011). Social policy for effective practice: A strengths approach. 2nd ed.

New York: Routledge.