Policy analysis of the US and Iraq SOFA agreement

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May 18, 2020
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May 18, 2020

Policy analysis of the US and Iraq SOFA agreement

Policy analysis of the US and Iraq SOFA agreement

Topic category: Political science

US Iraq Status of Forces Agreements (SOFA) in 2008 that deals with troop withdrawal from the country, security, and reconstruction. The full text agreements should be used as a basis for evaluating efforts to resolve a conflict. The paper should examine the intervention stage of the agreement; actors involved, the positions and interests of each, and the relative success of the agreement in satisfying the dispute. A significant portion of the assignment should be spent on the success or failure of the peace agreement in resolving the dispute, as well as a discussion of its role in reestablishing peaceful coexistence.

Success or failure of the agreement in meeting the interests of the primary actors in the dispute (refer back to the agreement as a primary text for evidence). What are the unmet needs and/or expectations contributing to the success or failure of the agreement? What is the larger political or social context that contributed to the outcome?

Where is the conflict currently, i.e., resolved or continuing
Identify the intervention stage in cycle of conflict
Identify the type of agreement: pre-negotiation; framework€¦..
Identify the primary and secondary actors
Positions and interests of each