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October 24, 2020
Cinema and Experience
October 24, 2020

Poetry Synthesis

Poetry Synthesis

In this unit, we have read several poems and looked at the different poetic elements, such as persona, form, tone, poetic language, etc., that poets use. For this paper, I would like you to compare and contrast, or synthesize, two poems that use similar elements. While the poems you choose do not have to agree on all points, they should share some common points and complement each other, meaning, they need to be somewhat related in both theme and in the elements the poets use. I suggest looking at the section in your textbook that lists poems with common topics, pages xlvii-lviii, for poems to use. You must use at least one of the poems we have discussed in class, but the second poem is of your choosing. The only stipulation is that it must come from our book.
As with the last paper, you will need to choose three elements on which to focus. The easiest way for you to approach this assignment is to compare and contrast the poems side by side as you discuss each element (one body = one element/two poems). The format for the paper will look something like this:

1)Introduction: You will need to have a lead-in statement or two that generally introduce the topic at hand, introduce the poets and titles of the poems you are analyzing, give some useful background information about both poems, and have a very specific thesis statement that communicates to the reader what theme joins the poems. You will want to end the paragraph with an essay map that states the elements you will be using in your body paragraphs.
2)Body Paragraphs: You will need to begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence that communicates what element will be discussed. As you discuss the poems, use examples to describe how the element is used in each poem. Be sure and discuss how the use of that element in each poem is either similar or different. You will have a total of three body paragraphs for this paper. Remember to also address your theme in your paragraphs.
3)Conclusion: In this paragraph you want to address the So What? questionSo what should your readers think about these elements and how each is used by the poets? What do you want them to know about your theme? Is it important to understanding the poems? How do all three elements work together? What do you want your readers to take away from your essay? What should they think about the similarities and differences that exist in the poems?
4)Works Cited Page/Citations: You will need to include an MLA formatted Works Cited page and correctly use in-text citations throughout your essay when using direct quotes or specific examples and/or ideas from the poems. (Please refer to Ch. 25 in your Simon & Schuster.)