please select a good topic for the paper

Integrating Culture and Diversity in Decision Making: The CEO and Organizational Culture Profile
May 15, 2020
Mobile application analysis
May 15, 2020

please select a good topic for the paper

I would like to get a writer who is meeting the following criteria:

1) Familiar with the business model innovation subject

2) Knows very well the business model canvass, vale proposition and disruption techniques

3) To be creative thinking, know to make ideas and concepts and to disrepute the current business of the mentioned in the case study and innovate a new business

4) As I am studying MBA in energy, I am thinking to select either BASF or shell company) so it would be better if he has knowledge about these companies so that he can manage to complete the task, however if not he is not. it is his option to select any company from the case study. But I would like to know which company that he has selected before writing the paper.

Please if you are not meeting the above criteria do not accept the bid as this task needs creative thinking and build new ideas using business model innovation tools.


The assignment is as follows:

Business model innovation

A proposed business model innovation for one of the case companies in the Growth Champions’ book- not already covered on the course. (Note we have covered Apple, Lego, Amazon and google). Please see attached file containing the companies that will need to select one from them.

1) Annotated canvas (9 blocks) /value proposition (Value Map and the Customer Profile Map), €“ showing how the business model would be changed/ enhance/disrupt) and why.

2) The type of innovation should also be identified and justified

3) Annotation can be presented in any from you wish- Hand drawn, Word Template , Power Point slide €“ should contain no more than 1500 of the text

Note that this order can be written in any formats such as wish- Hand drawn, Word Template , Power Point slide and you will need only to show the canvas, Value Map and the Customer Profile Map, patterns for the current business company and then you will disrupt it with new canvas/value proposition why . Also, please mentioned which type of pattern will be applicable for this case and why. Therefore I do not expect from you to be provide me with a write up report rather than showing what I mentioned above.