Please follow these instructions carefully
1) Please download all the supplied and uploaded files and I want you to read all the materials provided.
2) This paper is about project procurement strategy analysis type paper. Two options are given – option 1 – write about the SHARD in London, Option 2 – The GHERKIN in London. (see the assignment brief)
3) Task titles are provided in assignment brief, so follow the tasks ( eg: Task one- Project details , Task two- Procurement pathway etc)
4) Tutor instructed that we should use alot of bullet points, subtitles, short paragraphs, and lots of illustrations to support the writing. So, write and include those things as well.
4) Harvard referencing is expected throughout the paper (referencing guidance pdf attached) (IMPORTANT)
5) word count for the paper is 1800 to 2000 words (excluding references, table of contents, executive summary) (IMPORTANT)
6) Please correct all the spelling mistakes and other mistakes before sending me the final documents
7) Use about 15 or more references and never use articles from websites. Please refer books, journal articles etc only.
8) Please note this is a construction related paper, so never write about IT related or other non related fields
9) Structure of the paper should be as follows
*Executive Summary (this should be a brief snapshot of the whole paper, don’t get confused with conclusion) (word count:about 275 words required)
* Table of Contents page
*Introduction (about : 150 words required)
*The Main Body of the work
*Conclusion (about 250 words required) (writing in bullet points is ok and encouraged)
*References (15 numbers)
*Bibliography – (what you havent directly used to write the paper but things you have read relevent to it goes here – might be a bigger list than References)
*Apendices – about Photos & Organizational charts etc
Other Instructions provided by the tutor for the tasks which will be useful to include in the paper (Please read seperate assignment brief provided to get more details of what must be included in each
task.These are suggestions only)
1) Task one – Project Details
Project value, duration, key consultants, how architects in control, how Project managers in control, Major principle contractor etc., Include organization chart (Proffesionals only, don’t include brick
layers etc)
2) Task two – Procurement Pathway
how the communication path work in the organization etc, did they used any activity schedules etc.
3) Task three ( see the brief)
4) Task Four – Tender documentation
is that produced by project manager, or is that produced by the subcontractor etc. , how the prices are made
5) Task Five – Project problems
Technology ( Buildability – the things architects design not be able to build etc)
Health and safety (Risk register, managing risks etc)
Quality conflicts, type of quality expected, how the contractor going to be paid etc
Lack of clarity of project requirements etc.
Further files related to this will be uploaded soon. Please feel free to ask me anything about this if you have any problems.