Pick one of the below questions which related to IPCC report in climate scince and policy topic

September 20, 2020
Topic: Use both Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a S the documents from Voices of Freedom (pp. 213-222) to answer the question.
September 20, 2020

Pick one of the below questions which related to IPCC report in climate scince and policy topic

Pick one of the below questions which related to IPCC report in climate scince and policy topic
Order Description
1. Has the IPCC outlived its purpose?
2. Are good science and good journalism unnatural bedfellows?
3. Given that “warming of the climate system is unequivocal” and “human influence on the climate system is clear” why are there still climate sceptics?
4. Discuss the assertion that climate change is no longer a scientific issue, but rather a moral one.

Can you please pick one of these questions which you are more familiar with.

It is for master level