Physiology of Exercise Academic Essay

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September 19, 2020
September 19, 2020

Physiology of Exercise Academic Essay

1. Describe what the athlete’s different energy systems will be doing during the 5,000 m race? Explain your answer (20 marks).
2. What energy system will provide the largest contribution to 5,000 m performance and why? (10 marks)
3. What processes will help to maintain acid-base balance during the race? (20 marks)
4. If the athlete was to start the race in a dehydrated state, what effect would this have on his cardiovascular system and would this affect his 5,000 m performance? (20 marks)
5. If the athlete was to attempt to perform a 50 m sprint for the line at the end of the race, what muscle fibres would he rely on and why? (15 marks)

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Posted on May 4, 2016Author TutorCategories Question, Questions