Photography Unchained: Business Plan

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Photography Unchained: Business Plan

Table of Contents

1.0 Executive Summary. 2

1.1        Company History. 2

1.2 The Market 3

1.3 The Finances 3

2.0 Registration Details 4

2.1 Business Premises 4

3.0 The Business 5

3.1 Vision Statement 5

3.2 Mission Statement 5

3.3 Organization Chart 5

3.4 Management & Ownership. 6

3.5 Key Personnel 6

3.6 Products/Services 8

4.0 Operations 10

5.0 The Market 12

5.1 Market research. 12

5.2 Goals 13

5.3 Objectives 13

5.4 S.W.O.T. Analysis 14

5.5 Competitors 15

5.6 Action Plan. 16

6.0 Financial Projections 17

6.1 Expenses 17

6.2 Expected Cash Flow. 18

Income Year one (First quarter) 18

Income Year 2. 18

6.3 Profit and Loss Forecast 19

1.0Executive Summary


  • Company History


Business name: Photography Unchained

Business structure: Company

Business location: Queensville

Date established: 12/7/2014

Business owner: James Milner.

Relevant owner experience:

The owner is a photojournalist with several years of experience working for a leading broadcasting station. He specializes in the fashion industry. He brings on board hands on technical experience aimed at advancing the company towards its future endeavors.


Photography Unchained will specialize in the following; Landscape, Wildlife, Aerial, Sports, Portrait,Architectural, Wedding/Event, Fashion, Macro and Baby/Family Photography.


The company’s short-term objective is to become the best in its cut niche of competitive photography. Its long-term goal is to be a force to be reckoned with in the international scene. Photography Unchained intends to delve into offering online training and personalized solutions to her clientele within and without the borders.

1.2 The Market

Target market:

We target persons in various fields of the photographic industry.

Marketing strategy:

The company intends to market itself through intensive advertisement and promotions of her products. All this shall be done while ensuring that prices are relatively low to attract and retain new and existing clients respectively.

1.3 The Finances

The first quarter of our business operation will be intended to break even. The annual intended target is three million dollars, and this will be expected to keep increasing while the business keeps adapting to rapidly changing economic demands.

2.0 Registration Details

Business name:Photography Unchained

Trading name(s):Photography Unchained

Date registered: 12/7/2014

Location(s) registered: Quensville

Business structure:Company

Domain names:Photography Unchained

Licenses& permits:Statutory local and council permits on business operations and security.

2.1 Business Premises

Business location:

We will be located within Queensville town that is a densely populated high-end suburb.


We will be running the company from home space owned by the business owner.

3.0 The Business

3.1 Vision Statement

During the next three years, Photography Unchained will not only be the best in its cut niche of competitive photography, but it will also, change the same as perceived in the international scene. Photography Unchained aims at being the best service provider to her various clientele within and without the borders.

3.2 Mission Statement

3.3 Organization Chart


Figure 1:Organisation Chart.


3.4 Management & Ownership

Names of owner: Mr. James Milner.

Details of management & ownership:

James Milner is a photojournalist with several years of experience working for a leading broadcasting station. He specializesin fashion photography industry. He brings on board hands on technical experience aimed at advancing the company towards its future endeavors.

3.5 Key Personnel


Current staff


Job Title Name Roles Background
Lead Photographer Terry McLean  The lead consultant. Oversees the general running of the company. A sports journalist who has held several management positions with several agencies.
Operations and admin Diana Ross Handles real estate. Long time experience in dealing with real estate and matters photography. 
Stunts Jamie fox In charge of aerial photography. Photographer with a film background.
Photography and Editing Ann Robinson Capture and edit photographs for weddings and events.  A well-established wedding and events photographer and blogger.
Photo Editor  John Lesly  Prepare all images for print and web, then archive and send to the client An expert at all camera formats and softwares.


Recruitment options

Selection and recruitment of additional members of staff will be done based on professionalism and quality of work. The members of staff shall undergo a series of oral, and practical interviews before absorption with the company.

Training programs

Personalized training on means of quality service delivery to clients shall be provided to the members of staff. This has been supported by Carl (2010).

Skill retention strategies

Regular training and evaluations will be provided in order to keep the staff updated with the latest trends.

3.6 Products/Services

Product/Service Description Price
Landscape Photography A photographic genre that focuses on beautiful landscape scenery and nature. $55,000-100,000
Wildlife Photography $55,000-100,000
Aerial Photography The genre where pictures are caught from a higher height, for example, planes, air inflatables, parachutes and high rises to give a bigger perspective of the subject and its experience. $55,000-100,000
Sports Photography This type spends significant time in catching a conclusive minute in sports. $5,000-20,000
Portrait Photography Also referred to as portraiture. Where family, friends, pets and so on are shot on a portrait. $5,000-20,000
Architectural Photography This genre targets real estate buyers. $5,000-20,000
Wedding/Event Photography Genre targets weddings and other events. $55,000-100,000
Fashion Photography Targets fashion industry $55,000-100,000
Macro Photography Genre where pictures are taken at a closer range to showcase details of the subject matter. $55,000-100,000
Baby/Family Photography This type shows diverse representations of an infant and additionally alongside their relatives as caught in camera. $55,000-100,000

Market position:

Our products will cater for varied ends of the society while having competitive pricing. This places us a notch higher than our competitors since we shall have diverse sources of revenue.

Unique selling position:

We intend to offer high-quality services basing reference on simplicity and high-end technology.

Pricing strategy:

We shall offer relatively lower price rates in comparison with our immediate competitor. We intend to offer attractive discount for clients depending on demand, as advised by McKeever (2012).

4.0 Operations


Equipment Suppliers Purchase price Running cost
LensesTelephoto lenses, Mid-range, Specialty lenses for image stabilization and night vision. Kodak $200,000.00 $1000 PA
LightingArtificial lighting, strobe flash of different colors. Kodak $50,000 $1000 PA
Processing SystemDesktop computers with photo editing programs and photo quality printer Epson $50,000 $1000 PA
Tripod Light-weight, backpack portable heavy-duty and weather resistant. Kodak $20,000 $1000 PA
Sundry EquipmentRemote controller to trigger the shutter and lens filters to compensate for unforeseeable conditions. Kodak $100,000 $1000

Communication channels:

The already existing and would be clients can get in contact with us through our website.

Quality control:

Feedback facilities shall be highly encouraged from the clients. This shall be to assess the level of satisfaction they are to derive from the services and products offered to them.

 5.0 The Market

5.1 Market research

Our organization focuses on every lover in scene landscape and nature, creatures and their regular environments, those in the donning fields, design industry, families, business people in the land, weddings and occasions and fundamentally any place where a still picture is needed.

Photography unchained concentrates on all demographic sections. Davis (2012) advises that an organization has to diversify its market in order to maximize profits. It might not be constrained to age, sexual orientation, pay range, ethnic gathering and family sort, subsequently having a solid establishment because of the limitless business sector base. Bragging of accomplished staff in the distinctive fields of photography who grasps professionalism to expand center business reason, the organization stands tall amongst its companions, as advised by Carl (2010).

The uniqueness of our administrations as contrasted with our prompt rival is that we just captivate exceptionally specific faculty in the lines of photography at a given time. Specialization in this area has been supported by Mckeever (2012). Our rivals, because of their yearning for the business sector, will endeavor, anything without much attention on the mastery along these lines confronting the danger of unremarkableness. At our organization, we accept that disappointment to work in a certain field ruins you and makes you show up as a handyman and an expert of none.

We expect to be a name in the business by giving superb administrations to the customers while grasping the present and changing innovative patterns in our conveyance. This might be carried out while guaranteeing that costs should be moderately low to pull in and hold new and existing customers individually (Orenstein, 2012).

5.2 Goals

  1. To Run a profitable photography business
  2. To be the number one service provider in different photography needs.
  3. To offer personalized services to all the clientele, while embracing utmost professionalism.

5.3 Objectives

Goal Objective KPI
Run a profitable business Generate $10M in revenue Per Annum $5M Profit in the third financial year
To be the number one service provider in different photography needs. Five clients a week within the first quarter of operation Above 250 clients at the end of the financial year.
To be the number one service provider in different photography needs. Client retention rates above 90% 90% of clients recurring scheduled session


5.4 S.W.O.T. Analysis


Strengths Weaknesses
1.      Highly specialized employees in the different genres of photography.2.      Unrivaledcustomer service approach

3.      Competitive pricing structure

4.      Room for growth

1.      Currently financed by loans2.      Small business

3.      New brand

Opportunities Threats
1.      Operating in an affluent suburb2.      Programs available for other niche groups

3.      Offer product extensions such as online trainings on photography

1.      Existing competitors who have cut niche in the industry.2.      Council licensing fees

3.      Economic down turn

4.      Substitute products


5.5 Competitors

Competitor details


Competitor Established date Size Market share (%) Value to customers Strengths Weaknesses
Lights&Click 1994 100 employees Nationally, turnover of $150 Million PA 40% ConvenientFacilities


SizeFinancial Backing




Lack of personal service due to the partnershipHigh client turn-over

Expensive locations

Film Smile 2007 Ten employees, $50 Million Turnover PA 15% Personal serviceGreat results LocationExposure

The owner’s reputation

SmallPoorly managed

Little variety (target business only)



5.6 Action Plan


Milestone Start Date Date of Expected Completion Person Responsible Special Considerations Follow-Up Actions
Source business loan July 20th August Owner/myself Loan approval may require resubmission of documentation so must allow for time to resubmit required documents Set up company bank account
Source equipment from suppliers 8th August 30th August 2014 Owner
Interview potential employees 15th August September
Organise website/social media 30th August 15th September
Organise budget 20th August 20th September


Milestone July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Source business loan
Source equipment from suppliers
Interview potential employees
Organise website/social media
Organise budget


6.0Financial Projections

6.1 Expenses

Expenses Costs (annually) Person responsible
Local Authority fee $10,000 Owner
Professional Indemnity Insurance $10,000 Owner
Public Liability Insurance $10,000 Owner
Council Permit (outdoor advertising) $10,000 Owner
Workers Compensation Insurance $ 10,000 Owner
Staff Wages $200,000 Owner
Staff Training $10,000 Owner
Electricity, Gas, Water $15,000 Owner
Phone/Internet $15,000 Owner
Office supplies
Print $50,000 Owner
Online $15,000 Owner
Rent $55,000 Owner
Production equipment $100,000 Owner
Professional Assistance (accountant, lawyer) $100,000 Owner
Total $ 900,000

6.2 Expected Cash Flow


Income Year one (First quarter)

Income Sources Clients Per Week Cost per client Income
Company’s clients 1 $ 18,000 $18,000
TOTAL PER YEAR (multiply by 52) $900,000


Income Year 2

Income Sources Clients Per Week Cost per client Income
Company’s clients 5 $15,000 $75,000
TOTAL PER YEAR (multiply by 52) $3,900,000


Income Year 3

Income Sources Clients Per Week Cost per client Income
Company’s clients 15 $15,000 $225,000
TOTAL PER YEAR (multiply by 52) $11,700,000


6.3 Profit and Loss Forecast


Category Amount
Income (First quarter) $1,000,000
Expenses (Year 1) $900,000
PROFIT/LOSS $ 100,000(Pre-tax profit)
Category Amount
Income (Year 2) $3,900,000
Expenses (Year 1) $900,000
PROFIT/LOSS $ 3,000,000(Pre-tax profit)


Category Amount
Income (Year 3) $11,700,000
Expenses (Year ) $1,700,000
PROFIT/LOSS $ 10,000,000(Pre-tax profit)




Carl, W. A. (2010). George Eastman: Founder of Kodak and the Photography Business.New York, NY: Beard Books.

Davis, C. (2012). Start Your Own Photography Business 2/E.Irvine, CA: Entrepreneur Press.

McKeever, M. (2012). How to Write a Business Plan.Berkely, CA: Nolo.

Orenstein, V. (2012). The Photographer’s Market Guide to Building Your Photography Business.New York, NY: Writers Digest Books.

