Philosophy of Collaborative Education

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September 7, 2020

Philosophy of Collaborative Education

Philosophy of Collaborative EducationOrder Description3. Philosophy of Collaborative Education Write your philosophy of collaborative education from the perspective of how regular education and special education teachers and support personnel collaborate to meet the needs of all children in the public school setting. please see the uploaded filePlease read carefully the description for the philosophy and the rubric
Philosophy of Collaborative Education Write your philosophy of collaborative education from the perspective of how regular education and special education teachers and support personnel collaborate to meet the needs of all children in the public school setting.
As you develop your personal philosophy of collaborative education there are several factors that you should consider. Primary among the factors is that elements of your philosophy should be a reflection of your basic beliefs, ethics and core values. Your philosophy changes over time, is dynamic and reflective of your experiences.Beliefs about Teaching, Learning and CollaborationOne of the most important components of your philosophy is how you view teaching and learning in a collaborative context. What do you understand to be the role of the general education teacher for students in a co-taught setting? What is the role of the special educator in a resource setting, in a co-teaching setting? How does co-teaching and team collaboration serve the goal of all teachers in ensuring the success of their students? How do your personal and professional ethics permeate and guide all that you teach and do? What factors impact your collaboration with others?Beliefs about the LearnersYour beliefs about all learners will have a great influence on how you teach and assess. Every teacher formulates an image in his or her mid of what learners are like, their dispositions, skills, motivation levels, learning style preferences, and expectations. What you believe learners are like and capable of is based on your own unique life experiences, particularly your observations of young people and your knowledge of the impact of disabilities and human growth and development.Beliefs about KnowledgeHow teacher views knowledge is directly related to how he or she goes about teaching. If teachers view knowledge as the sum total of small bits of subject matter or discrete facts, their learners will most likely spend a great deal of time learning information in a rote manner. Other teachers view knowledge more conceptually, that is, as consisting of the big ideas that enable us to understand and influence our environment. Finally, teachers differ in their beliefs as to whether learners increased understanding, generalization, and transfer of information to real life application is a legitimate form of knowledge. How does differentiation impact the learning experience of all children in a collaborative classroom?
RUBRIC FOR PHILOSOPHY OF COLLABORATIVE EDUCATIONTarget (4 pts) Acceptable (3 pts) Unacceptable
Beliefs about teaching learning & collaboration
(50%) The candidate has a clear understanding of the learning process in separate and/or inclusive environments and the roles of the teacher(s). The candidate has some understanding of the learning process in separate and/or inclusive environments and the role of the teacher(s). The candidate has not provided information that supports an understanding of the learning process in separate and/or inclusive environments and the role of the teacher(s).
Beliefs about learners
(25%) The candidate makes a clear statement about all learners and how they will approach the learning process. The statement is developmentally appropriate and addresses how disability impacts the learning process. The candidate makes a general statement about all learners and how they will approach the learning process, but the statement is not complete. The candidate either does not make a statement about the learner and the learning process OR the statement which is made demonstrates a lack of understanding about learners and the learning process.
(25%) The candidate has clear understanding of both content and pedagogy as well as how differentiation is used effectively to address educational needs of all learners. The candidate has a general understanding of both content and pedagogy, but differentiation is not used effectively to address educational needs of all learners