Persuasive message and press release announcing

Effective Human Relations
September 28, 2020
Film Commentary about Lotte Reiniger’s Adventures of Prince Achmed
September 28, 2020

Persuasive message and press release announcing

Persuasive message and press release announcing

Project description
Write two messages either in an email or Memo format. Full instructions will be attached.

What: Messages 8 and 9
When: Both for workshop on Mon., Nov. 3, in class
How: As a hard copy (or on laptop okay for workshop)
Credit: 10 pts. in the exercises/workshops category for workshop
Grading: Satisfactory: 10 pts, Unsatisfactory: 5 pts. Not attempted: 0 pts.
[Satisfactory = in class with all assigned messages, participating; Unsatisfactory = missing
messages, late to class, or not participating; Not attempted = no messages or not in class.]
Assignments and instructions for messages 8 and 9 appear below. In each message, you may add details not in the assignment as long as those details

do not contradict the case or significantly alter the assignment. Also, be sure not to use the wordings of the original versions.
Message 8
Write a memo or email message to address the topic below (from 10.20 Persuasive Organizational Message Flowing Upward: Hey, Boss, I Have an Idea).
In your own work or organization experience, identify a problem for which you have a solution. Should a procedure be altered to improve performance?

Would a new or different piece of
equipment help you perform your work better? Could some tasks be scheduled more efficiently? Are employees being used most effectively? Could

customers be better served by changing
something? Do you want to work other hours or perform other tasks? Do you deserve a promotion? Do you have a suggestion to improve profitability?
Your Task. Once you have identified a situation requiring persuasion, write a memo or an e-mail to your boss or organization head. Use actual names

and facts. Employ the concepts and techniques in this chapter to help you convince your boss that your idea should prevail. Include concrete

examples, anticipate objections, emphasize reader benefits, and end with a specific action to be taken. You may use a school or club/organization

example and prepare your message for an administrator or decision-maker (President Castro, a dean, etc.) as appropriate.
Message 9
Your Task. For a company where you now work or an organization you’re part of, identify a product or service that could be publicized. Then, write a

press release announcing that product of service. For example, the product or service could be a new course at your college, a new club officer, new

equipment, or a campaign to raise funds. The press release is intended for your local newspaper, such as The Fresno Bee or The Collegian. Attached a

cover sheet with your name and the name of the local newspaper targeted (From 10.34 Press Release: I’ve Got News For You!). Use standard press

release format for the story (see page 356).