Personal Statement – Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 18, 2020
broadcast analysis( sport event, pre game post game
October 18, 2020

Personal Statement – Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Detailsof course i am applying for-

Here is a guide to what the personal statement should have. it i need some suggestions to answer some of these questions. So please use your imagination to answer some of these questions. i will later on use the suggestions you have given as an influence to come up with my personal answer.

Personal Statement guide:
Why you want to undertake postgraduate study- ***suggestions***
Your reasons for choosing the specific course- I know q few people who have taken up the course and from what they describe it suits the kind of learning i am looking for.***suggestions***
How your first degree and/or work experience is relevant to the course- i’ve worked in real estate and development and i did a first degree in IT and business.I can’t really give an answer to this question **suggestions??**
What academic skills you have developed and how they relate to the MSc course you have chosen- **suggestions**
What personal skills can you offer? Again, you must explain how these skills are relevant for your study at WMG- ***suggestions***
Your future career goals. – ***suggestions***

I will attach a personal statement that i have just completed for a different course i am applying to.