July 19, 2020
Case Study
July 19, 2020

Personal Reflection Paper

Personal Reflection PaperOrder DescriptionPersonal Reflection PaperAfter reading the assigned reading and using the If I Took the Ezra Experience Seriously lecture note, you will write a 23-page essay, outline, or bulleted listreflecting upon how you will prepare for the teaching opportunity you have selected for the course project. This reflection must be personal, practical, and pointedthe appropriate components of the Good Hands principle and the Pillars of Personal Ministry as presented in the materials.Finally, conclude by writing on the identification and application of your Life Message. What doctrinal convictions and life experiences shape what you teach? What arethe 3 most important lessons you learned in this exercise of reflecting upon the need for personal preparation in teaching? How will it affect your teaching ministry?Your completed assignment must be at least 23 pages in essay, answer the work sheet questions in outline, or bulleted format and in current Turabian format.Ezra Experience Worksheet (Answer Questions)
If I took the Ezra Experience seriously,
I would probably stop doing
I would probably start doing
I can see that my study time would have to be more
I can see that my life would have to be more
My lessons would probably begin to
My expectations of my students would begin to
My student would actually begin to
I would not be satisfied with my teaching unlessCreate a To Do List of the least five attitudinal or behavioral changes that you now implement in your Ezra Experience.A Note on Critical Thinking
In order to engage in critical thinking, a leaner must possess:
1. Knowledge.
2. Wisdom
3. Values
4. RubricActivities of critical thinking are the essential components, the teacher uses this personal preparation as a foundation and framework for guiding the learner throughactive participation in the process of:1. Analysis. Consisting of three steps (inspection, interpretation, inference)
2. Argument
3. Assessment
4. Action
Ezra 7:10 find 3 key things he (1) study; (2) observance law and (3) teaching